Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Employee Motivation for Perceived Organizational -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theEmployee Motivation for Perceived Organizational Support. Answer: Introduction Motivation is a major factor that contributes to efficiency and effectiveness of process outcome in an organization. That means the performance of human factor in an organization largely dependent on what motivates them and how motivation is induced (Lyso, Mjoen and Levin, 2011, pp. 210-224). This paper focuses on one of the articles that seek to determine the effects of motivation techniques on the efficiency and thus, their productivity. Efficiency in simple terms means achieving the right thing using minimal costs. On this grounds, efficiency is a vital value in today's competitive and dynamic environment (Buetow, 2007, pp. 183-185). The business climate has high expectations of organizations to meet their needs consistently or otherwise run the risk of being extinct. Managers perception towards employees The article analyses the manager's perception towards employees about their motivation and consequent efficiency. The employees are the lifeblood of an organization through ensuring operations run usually delivering the anticipated outcome. Consequently, the leadership of an organization needs to be strategic and broad-minded in its engagement with the employees. This is important for motivation to be realized which adds value to the performance of the company. Managerial techniques to achieve optimum efficiency The effectiveness of a company is reliant on two factors internal and external to the organization. Internal factors form the core of the operation and culture of the organization which includes the systems and organizational structure. External factors are procured from outside the company to complement the processes already installed in the company. They include; equipment, management approach, and technology. There are methods adopted by the management of organizations to derive the desired levels of motivation and performance; example, performance management systems (Aydin and Ceylon, 2009). Performance management systems which can evaluate, monitor and give useful feedbacks regarding the employees and status of the organization performance (Katz, 2013). It can be automated and integrated with an audit trail to provide the management with valuable information and reference to make decisions of employees regarding their wage, performance and motivation levels and status. The article notes that employees have hidden powers, skills and talents that can be triggered and be an asset to organizations. Motivation is one mode that is reliable to generate peoples potentials to achieve success and eventual achievement of organizations goals and objectives. Motivated people are highly effective and efficient because they perform their work with passion and goodwill benefiting both their social and enterprise lives (Soo, 2010, pp.135143). The strength of the article This article discusses the thesis statement in depth and consistent manner. It supports its assertion that techniques used by managers for motivation impacts on the quality and levels of efficiency from the employees. The article is an eye-opener to the management of organizations by disclosing the importance of having a motivated staff; moreover, ways they can motivate their employees. Also, the leadership of companies is made aware from the article that they can successfully develop their employees through triggering their potentials, skills, and talents which will be ultimately beneficial to the organization. On the contrary, the managers can be a disservice to the team if they do not help their juniors to discover and exploit their potential fully. Weaknesses of the Article Even though the article has explored in details the impact of motivational technique on the efficiency of employees, it does not discuss in the same weight and vigor how demotivated employees will affect the organization (Soo and Jang, 2010, pp.135143). It is critical to note that demotivated employees are counter-productive in many different ways which include; making errors in their jobs and deliberate downtime. It is a fact that demotivated workers will be frustrated and therefore look avenues to possibly voice and vent their frustration. Among the tactics they can effectively utilize is resorting to strikes and go-slow. My viewpoint on analysis I wholesomely agree with the thesis statement that asserts motivation techniques used by managers impact on their juniors performance through productivity. Therefore, the human resource department should install systems, policies, and culture in organizations to motivate their employees for them to be productive. The demotivated workers will perform poorly and might plunge an organization into operational crisis. Also to note, the culture of motivation should be cascaded from the top management down to the operational level management. This is because any culture in an organization is quickly cemented when the top management endorses and practice the same. Importantly, the administration of the organization should be able to evaluate the motivation levels consistently from their employees through questionnaires and other media. The feedback given will be instrumental to redefining the systems, policies, and processes in the organization for the betterment of its staff. Apart from what the article discussed, other several elements motivate the workers to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively which includes, trust, career prospects, recognition, and rewards. Primarily, motivation is tied to some critical elements regarding the working conditions, compensation, and regulations in the working environment. They are inclusive of Wages and Wage risk, bonuses, Rewards Healthy work environment, Job security extra (Annamalai, Abdullah and Alasidiyeen, 2010). Factoring employees in decision-making processes Managers and the leadership of an organization should practice all-inclusive decision-making processes. In this way, the input and suggestions of the employees will be factored in the resolution and strategies the company will adopt. The subordinate staff will feel valued by the corporation an element that will inspire them. Engaging the employees inaccurate and definite channels of communications Communication is an important factor that gives the direction, guidance, delegate responsibilities and instructions amongst employees concerning the company's operations. The managers should invest in a robust, frequent and clear mode of communication with their team for things to get done. The employees will indeed deliver impressive performance if they get accurate instructions right in time and through the right channels. Equally, they should be able to relay meaningful feedback to the management which will act on it appropriately (D'Souza and Gurin, 2016). The leadership of organizations is tasked to guide its employees on how to exploit their talents, potentials and hidden power for the benefit of their success and ultimate goal and objectives of the company. Due to this fact, the managers present an important factor to the achievement of organizational goal. Reasons for performance inefficiency Employees become inefficient when they are demotivated. This is an absolute threat to the optimal functioning of an organization when the workers lack self-drive. The workers can decide to be negligent or simply irresponsible on their duties as ways of voicing their displeasure to the management. Several factors will result in employees losing motivation as discussed below. Health-hazard working environment Environmental health and safety are paramount to employees motivation. Contrary to this, employees will easily be vulnerable to diseases which will waste their strengths rendering them unproductive (Jones and George, 2008). Further, the workers will adopt a negative perception of an irresponsible management that does not value their health and life if they are forced to work in a health-hazard environment (Moran, 2013). Moreover, the absence of protective gear and wears will make an impact on their efficiency because of being cautious not to sustain injuries, cuts or burns. Manager-Employee relationship Managers offer leadership in an organization by guiding their team towards self-fulfillment and attaining the ultimate goals and objectives of an organization. They can employ relevant techniques to derive motivation from their subordinates who will exploit their strengths and potential (Terry, 2011). Consequently, teams can hit specific targets as guided by their objectives. Nevertheless, the leadership of an organization can also hinder its progress and development in the way they treat their employees. The employees will become low-spirited and demotivated if they are mistreated and frustrated which impacts on the overall performance of the organization. Payment Payment is simply the money given or taken in exchange for labor. Employees are motivated by their wages (Chester, 2013). Different factors of workers wages and salaries impact on their motivation; including, salaries competitiveness in the industry, presence or absence of allowances and bonuses, and incidences of salaries reduction. Employees derive satisfaction from getting payment equivalent to their labor. Motivation techniques Managers are tasked to motivate their subordinates appropriately for their set objectives be achieved. Finding the right method to motivate employees is a process which involves observing the workers, interacting with them and familiarizing with their personalities (Keller, 2010). Some highly effective methods employed to achieve motivation in employees include; intimidation, enfranchising, punishment, and reward. Reward and punishment Reward- strive to get the present repeatedly which uplifts their performance to another level. Punishment Punishment to employees might be triggered by mistakes committed by the victim that is deemed punishable. It is a corrective measure to ensure they desist from such and take the right direction. Managers behaviors that contribute to motivation Behavioral aspects of the managers will also significantly impact on the motivation of the employees. This is termed as the humanitarian values in managers and is highlighted below. Listening to employees - The management will achieve an understanding of the situation and needs of their employees. Equity and fairness-This element promotes trust and confidence in the management, its policies, and systems while eliminating discrimination. Make realistic promises -The managers have a lot to gain from offering realistic, achievable pledges. By fulfilling the promises, the leadership adds confidence and reputation of reliability to their values (Mihalko, 2010). Conclusion In conclusion, the article discusses the impact of managerial techniques on the efficiency of the employees setting out the tactics and outcome. It is observed that the management of organizations is critically tasked to achieve the company's goals via their interaction, treatment, and engagement with their juniors. Finally, the paper concludes that the managers can either develop or destroy an organization depending on their strategies and leadership abilities in their behaviors and decisions regarding their employees. References. Annamalai, T., Abdullah, A., and Alasidiyeen, N., (2010).The Mediating Effects of Perceived Organizational Support on the Relationships between Organizational Justice, Trust and Performance Appraisal in Malaysian Secondary Schools. Aydin, B., and Ceylon, A. (2009). Does Organizational learning capacity impact on organizational effectiveness? Buetow, S. (2007). What motivates health professionals? Opportunities to gain greater insight from theory.Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, pp. 183-185. Chester, E. (2013). True work-life balance? It's a myth we need to quit worrying about. 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