Monday, December 30, 2019

Assisted suicide, Coercion and Elder Abuse - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 343 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/12 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Assisted Suicide Essay Did you like this example? One side of the argument says that it is wrong for people to die before their time. Many religions find it sinful and wrong. There are also the morals and values of the medical professionals. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Assisted suicide, Coercion and Elder Abuse" essay for you Create order It the article, Attitudes towards Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, it says, when controlled for religious practice, psychiatrists participating in this study expressed more conservative views regarding euthanasia than did physicians from other medical specialties. Overall, physicians who consider themselves religious orthodox indicated more conservative views concerning euthanasia in general compared to the subpopulation of physicians (405). The study that was taken in this article says that religion plays a strong role in the morals/perspectives of some medical professionals. However, religion is not the only reason to be against euthanasia or assisted-suicide. In most countries, assisted suicide or euthanasia is unlawful and illegal. In the article, The Role of and Challenges for psychologists in Physician Assisted Suicide, It says, The practice of PAS is widely considered to be a criminal offense; however, the practice is currently legal in Oregon, Washington, and Montana (Oregon Death with Dignity Act [ODDA], 1995; Washington Death with Dignity Act [WDDA], 2008; Baxter vs Montana, 2009).(582). Although assisted suicide has become legal in 3 states does not mean much. There are still 48 states that have not legalized this practice. With this many states, many people question if this practice should be used. However, this is only one example of how opponents view assisted suicide. If assisted suicide is legal and that can be interpreted as some lives are not good enough, or worth saving. This can easily turn into people thinking that the law is saying that they do not matter, especially the disabled or elderly. For example, if assisted suicide was put out more as an option too the terminally ill, then it would seem the doctor is not giving compassion but sense of giving up and hopelessness. Also if assisted suicide became legal it can open doors to elder abuse and other bad things that can go with bad people getting their hands on these lethal drugs.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Leadership And Group Dynamics Between The American...

There are often parallels drawn between war and business because both are represented as ruthless zero-sum games. Understanding the intersection between these two settings is most important because there are immensely valuable business lessons that can be drawn from the battlefield. The following study is also important to members of the armed forces who aspire to enter the corporate world, informing them on the military knowledge they can apply. In both environments, it is indisputable that leadership and interactions within groups are crucial to success. Therefore, this paper specifically examines the similarities in leadership and group dynamics between the American corporate world and the US army. While the discipline of business†¦show more content†¦Another interesting approach to explore is the notion of Obedience to shed light on the limits of compliance and why personnel are subservient to leadership. In order to understand why downfalls of leadership occur in both contexts, this paper applies the concept of Groupthink. Leadership and group dynamics have an interactive relationship, meaning that they constantly adapt to one another. In addition, leadership qualities transcend the environments in which leaders operate; leaders in either setting must be adaptable and emotionally intelligent. Military and corporate leaders are not simply directors, because they must be able to understand and cater to the different motives of their employees. With respect to group dynamics, managers attempt to create a culture that permeates throughout an entire organization. Leaders in each setting actually apply similar tools (e.g. performance-based pay) to institute a culture of fulfillment, in which subordinates can achieve their full potential. Both settings also fall victim to the same flawed patterns of thinking, such as Groupthink. Background The following section provides a general overview of organizational structure and compensation in both the military and the corporate world, demonstrating the use of performance-based pay in both settings. Because there is no standard

Saturday, December 14, 2019

War Has Changed Through the Ages Free Essays

War has been one of the key institutions of the practice of international relations, and has always been a central focus of the study of international relations. In the post-cold war period many observers have suggested that the nature of war is undergoing fundamental changes, or even that in some parts of the world at least, it has become obsolete. With the advance of economic interdependence through globalization, and the spread of democracy, some groups of states seem to have formed security communities where war between them is no longer a possibility. We will write a custom essay sample on War Has Changed Through the Ages or any similar topic only for you Order Now Elsewhere, however, war has continued to exist, and to take a number of different forms. For some countries, such as the United States, the use of advanced technology to achieve dramatic victories against conventional armies has led to suggestions that a revolution in military affairs is under way. Other parts of the world, however, have been characterized by warfare in whichnon-state actors have been prominent, the military technology employed has been relatively unsophisticated, and atrocities have been commonplace. Such new wars, it is argued by many, are a direct result of the process of globalization. War has not disappeared as a form of social behaviour and shows no signs of doing so, though it is not necessarily an inevitable form of human behaviour and seems to have become ef ectively extinct in some parts of the world. Since the end of the cold war, the annual number of wars, the number of battle deaths, and the number of war-related massacres have all declined sharply compared with the cold war period. Between 1989 and 1992 nearly one hundred wars came to an end, and in terms of battle deaths, the 1990s were the least violent decade since the end of the Second World War (University of British Columbia, Human Security Center 2005: 17). Despite the overall decline in the incidence of war, however, in many regions it is very much present and is displaying some novel features in comparison to those typical of the cold war period. In the contemporary world there are powerful pressures producing changes to national economies and societies. Some of these can be seen to rel ect the impact of globalization, others are the result of the broader ef ects of post-modernity, but their cumulative ef ect has been to bring about signii cant political and social changes, which have in turn been rel ected in changed perceptions of the nature of threats coming from the external environment. is in turn has inl uenced beliefs regarding the utility of force as an instrument of policy, and the forms and functions of war. In the past two centuries, the ‘modern’ era of istory, war has traditionally been seen as a brutal form of politics, a way in which states sought to resolve certain issues in international relations, and an outcome of their willingness to amass military power for defence and deterrence, and to project it in support of their foreign and defence policies. e two ‘world wars’ of the twentieth century typii ed this approach to the instrumentality of war. In the post-cold war period, the kinds of threats that have driven the accumulation of military power in the developed world have not taken the form of traditional state-to-state military rivalry, but have been a response to rather more amorphous and less predictable threats such as terrorism, insurgencies, and internal crises in other countries that seem to demand the projection of military force to resolve them. For some observers, the current era has seen a major evolution in the structure of international relations, with the dramatic political changes that followed the end of the cold war and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Changes in the international system on this scale are not common in history, and when they occur can be expected to have a major impact on the mechanisms by which the international system is governed. At the same time, and partly as a result of the evolution of the international environment, changes are also occurring in the domestic attributes of many of the states that make up the international system. h ere has, for example, been a notable increase in the number of democratic political systems, but in the same period many other states have disintegrated into civil wars and insurgency. he identity of the key players in international relations has also changed since the end of the cold war. h e world has become temporarily subject to the hegemonic control of a single state, How to cite War Has Changed Through the Ages, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Beyond Color free essay sample

My entire life has been influenced by diversity. Laredo, Texas is located along the Rio Grande River, joining two international cities, Laredo and Nuevo Laredo and two countries, The United States of America and The Republic of Mexico. I know how a river can either bond or separate nations, cultures and ideologies. Here two cultures are deeply interwoven. During my freshman year of high school, I was not academically challenged; however, I did become immersed into the Mexican culture. At J.B. Alexander, half of the students lived in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and crossed the international bridge daily for school. My interaction with these students taught me to appreciate a different culture; we were united. Living in Laredo, the citizens are blended into a certain Mexican/American culture that cannot be found anywhere else. The language that we speak is a perfect embodiment of this culture. Neither Spanish, nor English is spoken. We will write a custom essay sample on Beyond Color or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Just as everything else is blended, so is the language, in a quirky melange that can only be characterized as Spanglish. Both the American and Mexican cultures have influenced me, and shaped the person I am today. In Laredo I lived in a bubble, oblivious to any other lifestyles. I had never been on my own before, always surrounded by friends; I knew everyone in that small city. Thus when I moved to a private high school in San Antonio, a new world presented itself to me; I was like a newborn just opening my eyes. I was intrigued; there were new customs, new cultures, and a new lifestyle. I was scared and timid but I felt a sense of enlightenment because the environment was different; books, learning, studying, they were all encouraged and considered mainstream. Each student had a rigorous academic plan that they had to complete. Learning was everywhere. The students seemed the same to me: white, studious, and hardworking. How could I possibly fit in? I didnt at first, cliques were formed and peers had been there since Montessori; it was almost impossible to become close to anyone. Since I was different and new, I struggled, but I showed my true colors. I like being open and sharing my life experiences with everyone. Take away reputations, social standards, judgment, and replace them with tolerance; it can result in the formation of new friendships that may not have transpired due to pre-established stereotypes. The students that were receptive to me, love my traditions now: the savory tacos, the custom greeting of a beso (kiss on the cheek), and the dialect. Interesting enough, when I turned sixteen, my parents graciously hosted my Sweet Sixteen. I invited my friends from Laredo to join my new friends in San Antonio. I felt like an ambassador. Cultures merged and new bonds were formed. The atmosphere was swarming with diversity of different cultures, laughing and dancing away. Diversity goes beyond someones outside looks; its whom they are, defining them as a person. Someones home, their ideas, everything they have experienced in life, and carry with them is how they will contribute to a campuss diversity. If I just show who I genuinely am, I will always be accepted.